Page name: Uploading Art Rules [Logged in view] [RSS]
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These comprehensive rules explain what kind of artistic content is and is not allowed on Elfpack, and where different content is acceptable and not acceptable.

Content in Member Presentation (House)

<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_gold_blob.png> Pornography / Lewd Nudity
Pornography (including graphic sexual stories) and lewd nudity are not permitted to be displayed in any public location, including your house / Guestbook / Public Diary / Private Information Box, etc. Pornography is defined as sexual acts, or something you would see on a porn site. For more information on pornography, please see Wikipedia's definition: Pornography. Lewd Nudity is the display of the naked body in a non-pornographic, but still obviously sexually focused, way. For example, lewd nudity is a close up of a penis, or breasts. Nudity is permitted to be displayed within a member house; please make sure to contact one of the Guards to request a Secret-Service Comment warning others, if you are planning on displaying nudity in your house. Nudity is defined as showing an undressed body, but with no obvious sexual intent behind it.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_gold_blob.png> Extreme Violence
Images (or stories) showing brutal violence are not permitted to be displayed in the house. Extreme violence would for example be the brutal killing of something, or gory images.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_gold_blob.png> Self-Mutilation
Images (or stories) depicting acts of self harm are not allowed on any location within your house. It makes others feel uncomfortable to view / read such things, and placing it in a location where they can see it without warning is not allowed.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_gold_blob.png> Hate / Discrimination
Images or texts displaying hateful messages that are intended to insult or upset other members and not allowed in public. Images or texts that speak against a belief or idea are not considered to be hateful or discriminating.

Discriminating                  Not Discriminating
Anti-Christians                 Anti-Christianity 
Anti-Homosexuals                Anti-Homosexuality
Anti-Suicidal People            Anti-Suicide

Those are some examples of what would be considered discriminating and what would be expressing your opinion on a belief or an idea. Also note that this rule does not apply to expressing dislike of a single non-Elfpack member, such as a celebrity.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_gold_blob.png> Intentionally Annoying Content
We ask that you do not intentionally make your presentation irritating to others' when it is viewed. This includes using huge-sized images, flooding your house with annoying animated images, or making as many newlines as you possibly can to extend your description length.


Content on Public Wiki-Pages

<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_gold_blob.png> Pornography / Lewd Nudity
As stated above, pornography (including graphic sexual stories) and lewd nudity are not permitted to be displayed in any public location.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_gold_blob.png> Extreme Violence
Images (or stories) showing brutal violence are allowed on public, non-protected wiki-pages provided that they are not in your photo gallery and proper warning is on the page to inform an innocent member what is on the page.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_gold_blob.png> Self-Mutilation
Images (or stories) depicting acts of self harm are allowed on public, non-protected wiki-pages provided that they are not in your photo gallery and proper warning is on the page to inform an innocent member what is on the page.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_gold_blob.png> Hate / Discrimination
As states above, images or texts displaying hateful messages that are intended to insult or upset other members are not allowed in public.


Content on Private Wiki-Pages

<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_gold_blob.png> Pornography / Lewd Nudity
Images (and stories) of a sexually lewd or pornographic nature are permitted on private wiki-pages. (Please do not allow minors access to the page.)

<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_gold_blob.png> Hate / Discrimination
Hateful text and imagery are allowed on private pages, provided that the page name does not explain what is on the page. However, this is still discouraged and if you are reported for it, the page will be removed.

For information on how to create a private, view protected wiki-page read: creating a private wiki page.


Special Rules

<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_gold_blob.png> Copyrighted Content
Elfpack Staff will not go out of their way to remove possibly copyrighted content. If an artist/creator complains about their creation being stolen, the Guards will remove it once the theft has been proven. Do not claim to have created something you did not. Also, beware the possible legal consequences of art-theft: Elfpack is not responsible for what you place on your pages and it is against the law to use copyrighted material without permission from the owner.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_gold_blob.png> Nudity / Pornography of Minors
The showing of nude or sexually suggestive pictures of members under the age of 18 is not permitted anywhere, including private pages. Note that the Custodians can view and access any wiki-page, so attempting to hide illegal images is not a good idea. Elfpack has a zero tolerance policy for child porn, and you will only be given one warning for posting it. A second offense will result in a ban.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_gold_blob.png> Mood-Content
Animated images, large or annoying images and hateful / discriminating text or imagery are not allowed in a mood and will be removed. Links to porn sites, or other adult-content will also be removed.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_gold_blob.png> No notification
Guards will remove illegal content without prior notice given. If you wish to dispute the removal of content, please speak to the Guards Captain. Do not flame or harass the Guard who removed the offensive content. If the Captain agrees with the removal, then do not press the matter.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_gold_blob.png> Official Images
Any and all official graphics (ie: Giffie-Pets, Trophies, Badges, Wiki-Graphics, etc) and templates can only be used with approval from the Council. Using any official image (even a divider) without approval will be considered art-theft.
Additionally, you are not allowed to edit official images in any recognizable way and use them for personal purposes.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_gold_blob.png> Other
Content that goes against the general style of Elfpack, or content from other communities may be taken off at the discretion of the Guards.

Donations made to Elfpack by a member of Elfpack, will be considered to be given to Elfpack. While we will of course give you credit for your donation, once you've made a donation (wiki-pages, graphics, text, money, etc) you cannot undonate your donation. It becomes property of the site, and site staff.


Rule Violations

If you find another member violating a rule, you can file a report on the member and a Guard will look into it. Do not leave a comment on the Guards-page.

Elfpack Staff tend to be pretty lenient on rule-violations and will generally give a member multiple chances to stop misbehaving before placing a ban. However, obviously going intentionally out of your way to break these rules will label you an asshole and you will be banned much sooner. We're willing to work with you, if you're willing to work with us.

If you're confused on these rules, contact one of the Guards and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.



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<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_gold_blob.png> The Council
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<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_gold_blob.png> Elfpack Rules

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2004-10-12 [Sheona]: Just a note....did you mean to say "elftown crew"? Or is that a typo? ;)

2004-10-12 [EmJ Taylor]: Probably a typo. ;-)

2004-10-13 [Kate, short for bob!]: yeah, i'm sure it was!! (am i sounding paranoid?)

2004-10-13 [65tyjvw45b]: Those green banners... did you guys ask [Sheona] over in Elftown if you were allowed to use them here?

2004-10-13 [EmJ Taylor]: I know [Sheona] very, very well. I am sure she will say it is alright. I will message her nonetheless. ;-)

2004-10-13 [65tyjvw45b]: Okay, next question. Have you been to, UAR?

2004-10-14 [Sheona]: I say it's alright, seeing as you asked so nicely :) Although the blue might fit the colour scheme better!

2004-10-14 [65tyjvw45b]: Yes, the blue one would be better.

2004-10-14 [Sheona]: You can find it in my house here, or obviously in ET graphics, too.

2004-10-14 [65tyjvw45b]: Wait a minute. I thought we were to be very easy going with the rules about photos here? This place is turning into Elftown where the rules are the same. That's not what this is for. This place is for people who don't want to put up with all the rules and guards from Elftown. Don't make this place worse. =|

2004-10-14 [spiritee]: " unless- The celebrity is very attractive, and single" seriously?!

2004-10-14 [65tyjvw45b]: *snickers too death* Of course!!!

2004-10-14 [spiritee]: do they HAAVVVEE to be single?

2004-10-14 [Young J.C.]: Can't they just be very hot?

2004-10-14 [spiritee]: exactly!

2004-10-14 [65tyjvw45b]: Hmmm... I'm not sure. You'll have to ask [1st Font].

2004-10-14 [EmJ Taylor]: Ooh, this is much better. Thanks, Sheona for the blue banner thingy..

2004-10-15 [Sheona]: No probs, Emma :)

2004-10-19 [DenDen]: great I get it now

2004-10-25 [blackenedrose*]: get wat?

2004-11-02 [KeWt AzN bOi]: wot?

2004-11-03 [Elftown only]: ...hmm, after gazing at Elfpack I have come to the conclusion that Elftown is better...

2004-11-03 [Young J.C.]: You must give Elfpack time, for it is barely new.

2004-11-03 [Sunrose]: To everyone the choice where to live *^__^*

2004-11-16 [RabidSphinx]: i have a question about these "uploading art rules" it says "no celebrity images on wiki banners" (unless you took the picture of the celeb yourself)...but i just had a banner taken out of my house i had gotten from a wiki i belong to. it is a wiki dedicated to a movie, are we not able to have a single image or banner because it is bassed on a movie? it isn't like we just have images everywhere, it was just a badge that showed clearly what the wiki was about....oh, and they even took down my other badge i had gotten from the owner saying i was the first was a drawing she had drawn herself! I had permission to use it...that didn't go against the rules...what the hell is up?

2004-11-16 [RabidSphinx]: it wasn't even an image of a "celebrity" it was an image of a Character...If i had just a picture of Brandon Lee on the banner that would have been against to rules of celeb pictures...but it was a picture of Eric Draven, in full makeup, dressed for the movie....if we can't use that, what can we use on the wiki? ...

2004-11-16 [Sunrose]: Bush and The Crow are celebrities; any photo used of them that was not taken by you yourself has copyright and is therefore not allowed on houses.

2004-11-16 [RabidSphinx]: there are pictures of Bush on houses...the suppoert bush whatever it's called wiki's banner has Bush on it...and he is *hardly* a celeb, he is a political any's all bullshit

2004-11-16 [Sunrose]: Yes but I am not psychic: if those houses aren't reported they can't be dealt with. A celebrity is someone with fame, so he is. If you don't like it; leave. This community is not a constitutional right, it's a priviledge. The rules were made for a reason.

2004-11-16 [RabidSphinx]: and what of my friend's drawing? that was a hand drawn + photoshoped drawing of her own that she had done *for me* to post in my house...that didn't break any of the violance or nudity why was that taken down aswell?

2004-11-16 [RabidSphinx]: that is why i had left ET because their rules were all bullshit...this site is going that way too...fine...i am taking a fucking picture of my Crow poster with me in it...that make you happy?

2004-11-16 [Sunrose]: I don't know what drawing you made, as far as I can see only the Crow picture was taken off when you have more rulebreaking images that should be taken off. The rules aren't bs, they are there for a reason. Can't deal? Too bad, that is not my problem. It's not about me being happy, you are the one angry. These are the rules and unless you want to pay for lawsuits of celebs or artists you can't put images like that up.

2004-11-16 [RabidSphinx]: fine, when a celeb comes to you and says RaineDrop used a picture of me that is plastered all over the internet, including my official website, and i didn't give her personal permission to post it here on this site, and i am sueing you...i will handel it...and what images need to be taken down now? i already had 3 guards sweep through and take down shit that wan't even rulebreaking what did they miss now?

2004-11-16 [Sunrose]: We can't make exceptions for one member: you will have to take responsibility for all images on all houses. Prove to me what images were taken down. As far as I can tell a few guards looked at your house and only one removed an image. You have an image of Anne Geddes and Bush is still there.

2004-11-16 [RabidSphinx]: yah, she is an artist...(my label of her art was deleted some how...but it was there...i scanned that from a calander...i put the label back up above the image and it's gone again...i blame my computer...but i will fix it *again*) and the bush one...well, talk to the wiki and tell them to make a *new* banner that supports bush but doesn't have *him* on it...and to the comment that you aren't psychic....well, i thought that was what the guards were for...they go around and take shit down...they don't *ever* look at wikis and say, "you can't do that"?

2004-11-17 [Sunrose]: Wiki's have different rules and images of celebrities are allowed on wiki's. It is not my job to tell people to make another banner. That's the job of the wiki-members: they are the ones wanting a banner. I have no time to patroll 2000 member houses, that's why on elftown we have patrollers. They report things and we look into it, but since Elfpack is new we don't have many patrollers yet.

2004-11-17 [RabidSphinx]: whatever...this is why i let ET and why i still like VampireFreaks more...their rules are better

2004-11-17 [Whim]: So why are you still hanging around here then? Just go back to VampireFreaks or do something besides bitch about it. There's nothing anyone can do to change the rules, so either live with it, do something about it, or go play with the goths.

2004-11-17 [RabidSphinx]: don't fucking diss goths...that site is open to *anyone* and they have clearer rules on what you are allowed to post in your profiles...i am only here because i have friends at kidnapped me and dragged me here...if i didn't have fun debating on some of the wikis on different toppics i would never come here...i am complaining because i have to sit here and fix my profile after my images were stripped and everything was misaliined and i lost a drawing that had been given to me

2004-11-17 [Whim]: then go play with the clever goths. I don't care what you think of them.

2004-11-17 [RabidSphinx]: cleaver goths? what the hell are you talking about? you don't have to be goth to be a bloody member... there are a *lot* of "preps" and what not on that site...

2004-11-17 [Whim]: Then go play with the preppy goths. Again, I don't care. Call them whatever you like.

2004-11-17 [Sunrose]: If you uploaded images not allowed according to the rules your house will be altered. If that needs fixing again you shouldn't have uploaded images breaking the rules. Move the discussion about goths to another wiki: any more comments on non-rules related topics will be deleted.

2004-11-17 [Sunrose]: Personal messages work too.

2004-11-17 [RabidSphinx]: fine...i will take down my bush banner...i will tell them they need a non-bush, bush banner for all the members to repost in their houses...since i am the one that has been singled out on that wiki, i guess i should warn them before they get in trouble too

2004-11-17 [Whim]: then listen to what Sunrose is saying and follow the rules. Stop bitching about things you can't change. It does no one any good for you to do so. If you're gonna stay, follow the rules. If you're gonna leave, have a nice day. It's very simple.

2004-11-17 [Sunrose]: You haven't been singled out, there were more members reported. Now if you have a problem with it: report the members who have the banner and save us the trouble of patrolling 2000 members and checking up on tons of wiki's who might be a member also having uploaded the banner.

2004-11-17 [RabidSphinx]: i am not helping you out...that is your job to deal with them...i am in charge of my own house...i will take *my* banner down and that is all...i will message the board, but nothing further.

2004-11-17 [Sunrose]: Then stop fussing about it. I do my job the best I can, if you are not willing to help out then you have no right to complain as if I am incompetent when you know nothing about my schedual. This discussion is over, any further comments will also be deleted.

2004-11-17 [RabidSphinx]: I messaged the Bush supporters wiki, telling them that they need a new banner and that you have asked all members to take the current banner down off their houses...that is the best I can do...I have no power to make the meantime I posted the "bush wins" banner like thing....seems a sad state of affairs that as an American I can't praise my president in my house...*sighs* well, hope that fixed the problem...

2004-11-17 [sexybabe69]: What the hell...the pics were me?and I can't post em?

2004-11-17 [Sunrose]: Pornographic images are not allowed on houses. You can post them on a wiki by uploading them to

2004-11-18 [RabidSphinx]: maybe, in the rules, you should explain to us what a "celebrity" is. When I think of a celeb I think of an actor, or singer, not politicians. So if you cleared that up in the rules that movie characters and Mr. President are also celebrities and can't be posted either, people would complain less and you would have to take few images down. i have spoken to a few, but they won't listen to me, not agreeing on what a celeb is so if *you* could explain it, i would not have to

2004-11-18 [Sunrose]: Easily to look up what the definition of a celebrity is, but since people are lazy by nature and the members here apparantly not very smart with English words I added the explanation. Thank you for the suggestion. :)

2004-11-18 [ravynn]: you people don't know what you want, cause you say -Elfpack is a liberal version of Elftown created for people tired of Elftown guards telling them what to do- and you still take pictures down. MAKE UP YOUR MIND!!!

2004-11-18 [RabidSphinx]: agrees....i can't believe nudity *is* allowed, but other things are long as it's not suggestive...well damn,

2004-11-18 [KeWt AzN bOi]: raindrop like wot

2004-11-18 [RabidSphinx]: if the only new privilage we have here is nudity, then i was better of on ET where i wouldn't be confrunted with pussy everywhere...*sighs* tiz a sad thing...

2004-11-19 [hanhepi]: nudity is allowed on elftown... as long as its artistic. ive seen loads of houses there with artsy nudes.

2004-11-19 [RabidSphinx]: funny thing about art is, what is "art" to one, is Porn to the next...i find it all offencive, and besides that...if ET has porn, then how is this site any different from ET? we can *still* have "artistic nudity" and we *still* can't post anything other than pictures of ourselves or drawings we did ourselves...whoo, yah, this is *so* much more liberal...we are allowed to cuss...yay...(sarcasm)

2004-11-19 [hanhepi]: they dont have porn.. well, not out in the open anyway. but yeah, the UAR here is pretty much exactly the same as on ET. i dont see the ultra leinancy thats supposed to lure the fucktards away. lol.

2004-11-19 [Sunrose]: The rules are different and the way people are delt with is different. If you all would actually READ the page it would save me the trouble of reading all this stuff. Copyright will ALWAYS be an issue no matter what and that makes the rules look similar. However members here are given more warnings and more chances than they would get on Elftown.

2004-11-19 [RabidSphinx]: oh...well in *that* case...this site is sooooo much better than ET........

2004-11-19 [Sunrose]: :) it is! Some people need to stop bugging [Hedda] though. The rules don't mean you can't get banned and some people can be real bastards so we do have to set the limit somewhere. But it's waay less strict than ElfTown!

2004-11-19 [RabidSphinx]: i was being sarcastic....i can understand that you can still be banned...every site, no mater how "libral" they are, can band someone...but i see little difference between this site and ET...other than we are allowed to cuss, oh, and we get warned 4 times instead of 2, this site is just a halfass virsion of ET....*sighs*

2004-11-19 [Sunrose]: Please go away now. Thanks! :D

2004-11-19 [RabidSphinx]:'re mean...if you are going to inforce the rules, maybe you should go to the "orlando bloom fan club wiki" and tell them there they have to take their baners down, same with all the band fan wikis...oh! and now i remember my question! okay, this is an honest question...Celebrities are well known are we allowed to have Cartoon characters? like Garfield, or nightmare before x-mass characters? they aren't celebrities are they? just a thought...i wanted Garfield in my house, but not sure if it were "allowed"

2004-11-19 [Sunrose]: On wiki's there are different rules! I said this before. As long as those members keep those images ON the wiki is is allowed. Cartoons are copyrighted images.

2004-11-19 [RabidSphinx]: no, i know the wikis are different, but the Orlando bloom fan wiki thing has wiki banners with Orlando Bloom images on them that the members have in their houses....and why are wiki's diffeernt? (not picking a fight just confused) if it's a copyright issue, why can we post their images on a "wiki" on this site but not a "house" on this site? the copyrighted images are still being loaded, maybe illegaly, on to this site by people, you are just saying you can't post them on one 1/2 of the site? sorry...just confused...if copyrighted stuff is not allowed, then wouldn't that include *all* of the website? (just confused...sorry)

2004-11-19 [Sunrose]: The images shouldn't be uploaded to elfpack, but to a free site. The members shouldn't use the banners, but like I Also said before I have better things to do than check up members of every wiki. A wiki is different: in a public wiki you can inline animated GIF's and free-to-use-images. Animated GIF's take up a lot of space and are therefore not allowed on members houses. Private wiki's, to where no link is made on your house or open forum may contain anything you want is probably allowed because it means the copyrightbreaking is not omnipresent. However I do not know Everything so if you must know I can ask.

2004-11-19 [RabidSphinx]: well, you don't have to, thanks for trying to answer...i was just wondering what made, say my Vampire's Crypt wiki differnet from my "House"...if it were a copyright problem, *i* would have thought copyrighted wouldn't be allowed in a wiki anymore than in i house...i asked my father about this (he is smart in things like this) and he was stumped...*thinks* hmmm...*brain explodes out of ears* okay...i can't think of anything...OH! and it isn't you persay...don't you have "rats" or something that "rat out" people that are breaking rules, and other guards that look into things? i can go through all the wiki's and their members in about 2 hours on my own...

2004-11-19 [RabidSphinx]: if i had felt like being a bastard, i could have reported a *lot* of members for very *large* braking of the rules...but i rarely do, unless it is nudity. maybe you need more "rat" people or whoever it is that does that...*shrugs* it would save you the trouble of looking for the rulebreakers and leave you only to deal with them...

2004-11-19 [Sunrose]: We don't have such people yet, because elfpack just started. We are working on institutions like that. If a copyrightholder asks that a certain image is to be taken of a wiki: we are also obligated to do so. You are right that copyright rules are never allowed to be broken, but a private wiki is invisible to a patroller and therefore a patroller can't see you broke the rules.. . I would like to add here that these rules, like the wiki says, are still in development here. They also look similar to ElfTown because it's the only example we have AND we are working with unexperienced people here. Even though I am a guard at Elftown, applying rules is much easier than developing them. You say....

2004-11-19 [Sunrose]: that I am mean to you, but this is also because the only thing I've heard from you so far is critique and rants when you could also be a little less dramatic and just ask the questions. Like in your last comment...

2004-11-19 [RabidSphinx]: i say MEOW! kk...well, get yourself some rat soon then...because if i have to be missiarble and take down my bush and the crow badges, i want to piss off as many people as i can and make them take down there gay-ass Orlando Bloom badges...

2004-11-19 [RabidSphinx]: i rant...sorry...i do that when i am unhappy...when i am singled out by a guard for doing something every other member of this site does, it makes me cranky...i think i am off to harrass Orlando Bloom fans...*evil laugh*

2004-11-19 [Sunrose]: We didn't mean to single you out: many people were already reported and have been delt with too, but you can't see all that, only we can. These rules might lighten up, it is something we are working on, but you also have to be a little bit patient with us. That's why this page states the rules are not done yet. Hahaha, but Orlando is cute! :P

2004-11-19 [RabidSphinx]: he is, i love him...i have a life size poster of him in my room...but that's not the point!!! *gets all drematic* if i can't have my Brandon Lee in my house (i have a life size poster of him too as the crow on the inside of my bedroom door) then they cant't have their little Orlando in their houses either! *shakes fist in the air at the Orlando bloom fans* that's it...*crosses arms childishly* if i can't be happy no one can

2004-11-19 [hanhepi]: ok, so, are animated pics ok here? i dont see them in the rules, they are, right? if i'm gonna put pics up here i wanna know what to put up. lol.

2004-11-19 [Sunrose]: I point you to my house.. ;)

2004-11-19 [RabidSphinx]: hehehe, yah, i was just thinking that...(^_^) and i have a question [Sunrose] your Hamtaro is a copyrighted cartoon character...why are *you* allowed to have him?

2004-11-19 [Sunrose]: eh eh eh I knew it!

2004-11-19 [RabidSphinx]: uh-huh, yah, what now [Sunrose]? take that down before i report you! or just let me have Garfield in my house...your choice...

2004-11-19 [Sunrose]: [1st Font] took them down! Oh noes, I was handled by the gerads! :O

2004-11-19 [RabidSphinx]: hehehe

2004-11-20 [Sunrose]: ;)

2004-11-21 [RabidSphinx]: what's with the changes on the rules? *is all confused (O.o)*

2004-11-21 [Avaz]: We're trying to mold the rules to be more in synch with the fact that Elftown is supposed to be more lenient then Elftown. :) We're still working on it.

2004-11-21 [RabidSphinx]: kk...*dances around like Ashley Simpson on SNL when she was caught lipsynching* whee...lets have a hoe-down!

2004-11-22 [Spikéd One]: A quick question for [Sunrose]: In your comment on 2004-11-19, you stated that "Animated GIF's take up a lot of space and are therefore not allowed on members houses." Yet you have an animated .gif in your house and I have seen MANY houses with more. So, are all animated images not allowed?

2004-11-22 [Sunrose]: Read the NEW RULESSSSSSSSSSSSS

2004-11-23 [Solitiaum]: And now I have a question... if someone other than the original artist points out that its a copyrighted image?

2004-11-23 [Solitiaum]: As in my case...

2004-11-23 [Sunrose]: we can't say the images are allowed..

2004-11-24 [Solitiaum]: *nods* Is what I thought... Just checking ^_^

2004-11-27 [Heartless]: Um aint uploading art rules like taking someones art w/o them knowing?

2004-11-27 [Sunrose]: uhm..what do you mean? Uploading art can also be your own art.

2004-11-27 [Analeyin]: I have a question... what is an example of something that "goes against the overall style of Elfpack"?

2004-11-27 [Whim]: I honestly don't I think that's a BS rule to conform people in some way. But that's just my opinion. So far I don't think anyone has been accused of breaking that rule.

2004-11-28 [Sunrose]: Some comments were deleted. That rule is there to make sure we can delete images that aren't forbidden in the rules, but just don't fit in Elfpack. It's a safetynet we might need some time..

2004-11-29 [RabidSphinx]: is there a wiki just about basic rules, or all the rules, even those not about art, listed here?

2004-11-30 [RabidSphinx]: Because I have a question about the "asshole", if someone flames you at your house by getting your name from an opinionated wiki where we go to debate topics, and opens their message with a big "FUCK YOU!" and then proceeds to insult you personally and cuss you out because they don't *agree* with you, but can't seem to join the discussion considered being an "asshole"? I understand people disagree on things, that's why we have debate wikis where we talk and I stay there to keep the convos impersonal...

2004-11-30 [RabidSphinx]: but to flame someone at their house, call them a "nigger" an "asshole" and a "fucking idiot" repeatedly, without *actually* supporting their side of the argument considered "asshole-ish"?

2004-11-30 [Whim]: That would be assholish, but so many people forget that there is a block button. If you block the person instead of encourage them, then you've done your part. After that, report them. They may or may not be blocked. It depends on the mood of the people checking guard reports that day. Either way, they will be dealt with in some way.

2004-11-30 [RabidSphinx]: i blocked her, of course...i'm not putting up with that shit...but that doesn't stop her from posting hate messages on my wiki that i have to then delete...

2004-11-30 [Whim]: Have you made a guard report?

2004-11-30 [RabidSphinx]: not yet...seeing if she messes with me again...if she does just *one* thing i am reporting her ass...but me passwording my wiki and blocking her seems to have quieted her down a little...but i have to wait, she is a slow may take her a while to type "fuck you" 23 times in her next message...

2004-11-30 [Whim]: Alright, good. But just a note to everyone, not just you, if you don't make a guard report, don't complain on these wikis. Either make a guard report, or message a guard directly.

2004-11-30 [RabidSphinx]: Alright...I was just wondering about what constitutes an "asshole"...I will not complain here again. Oh, and I have a question about porn is allowed because of the youths on this site right? well, what of drug paraphernalia? Images of pot leaves saying "Light up my life" and pictures of bongs...I mean, I know that is illegal in the U.S. (not sure elsewhere) but some of the youth, if only from the US are being exposed to such there/should there be a rule against such drug related advertising in houses? There are other drugs too being shown on this site, more serious than weed, and I thought it should at least be addressed and made clear where you stand on such things.

2004-11-30 [Whim]: Well, if I'm correct, there are no laws that say that minors aren't allowed to look at drugs. Porn, on the other hand, is something that minors are not actually supposed to be able to view under penalty of law. That's why the "artistic nudity" title has to be put on anything that shows a nipple.

2004-11-30 [RabidSphinx]: true, but advertizing drugs is also against the law...making things like smoking apealing to children by using Joe camel is a good example. they banned the use of him...having pictures that support the use of drugs is also *technically* not allowed...but, your call, i was just wondering...

2004-11-30 [Whim]: Actually, in many countries, you can advertise cigarettes on TV in any way you want. However, that is not the point here. On Elfpack, nothing is being advertised exactly. There aren't corporations paying money to see their ads posted on wikis. So it's not really illegal, just perhaps frowned upon by society.

2004-11-30 [RabidSphinx]: alright...i still hate seeing potleaves everywhere on this pisses me off...stupid f*ckers...i can't wait till i'm a cop...i am busting down soooo hard on motherf*ckers that think they can get away with anything

2004-11-30 [Whim]: hehe...agreed, but I also hate the idea of forcing people to not do things that are basically harmless.

2004-11-30 [RabidSphinx]: harmless? weed is not friend wasn't killed because of how "harmless" weed is...and weed leads to worse things...when i have to power i am making life hell for potheads and other's like them...

2004-11-30 [Whim]: By harmless I mean that it hurts no one except the person doing it. Now when you have stoners and crack fiends all over the streets doing stupid crap, hurting other people, that's different. But what a person does in their own home to their own body should be their choice.

2004-11-30 [RabidSphinx]: friend was killed because some high senior ran him off the road at 10pm one night...the other guy was some whiplash or something...josh didn't make it...he wasn't a pothead and it still killed ever hear that statistic that said 1 in 3 drives pulled over and given a drug test tested positive for weed? it's a problem that needs to be dealt with...the people with the pictures of pot on this website are 12, 13, 14 years old! it is disgusting...

2004-11-30 [Whim]: yes, it's a problem when that happens. And it's a common thing that happens when drugs get involved. But pot is no worse than beer in that sense. So why is beer allowed but not pot?

2004-11-30 [RabidSphinx]: probation was proven ineffective and just created a lot of, in small amount has been proven safe...pot, when smoked, has 3x as much cancer causing agents in it than cigarettes...even the medicinal pot is "iffy" at best, thus one of the reasons they stopped using it in the first place...the point is it *is* illegal now and there are kids on this site bragging about doing it and even have pictures of themselves with bongs...that is enough evidence to get you searched and possible arrested...

2004-11-30 [Whim]: And guess what! Pot isn't legal and we have gangsters devoted to it. The fact is, beer is hardly ever used responsibly and therefor causes fatalities and injuries besides the person doing it. So you can't justify beer's existance and be sore about people smoking pot at the same time. And the kids who show themselves using it who admit to using it are not our responsibility. They are the ones who will be searched and arrested, not us.

2004-11-30 [RabidSphinx]: i hate sucks...well, whatever you drugs are allowed on the site. that is all i wanted to know.

2004-11-30 [Whim]: yeah, drugs are allowed...unless someone tells me different...hehe.

2004-11-30 [RabidSphinx]: to hunt...i have been on this site all night and had no one to rat out on...damn it! where are all the rule breakers? these rule abiding citizens are putting me out of work!

2004-11-30 [Whim]: hehe...well, in some ways it's better that you haven't found anyone cause it means you actually know the rules well enough to know that some of these copyright things are allowed. Other actual rats don't realize that. I'll have to have a little chat with them...hehe.

2004-11-30 [RabidSphinx]: what about empty houses? i come across lots of empty houses, they have no image, no discription at all, not even one of those "ask and i'll tell" messages....they have no sex chosen...nothing...all they did was make a screen name...many haven't been seen or logged in for a long time...i know the other site i belong to deletes such profiles since they are a waste of server space...when i click "random member" 3 ot of 5 clicks will take me to an empty house...will anything be done about that?

2004-11-30 [Whim]: those are most likely clone houses. We have no rules against clone houses. We also have no rules against empty houses.

2004-11-30 [RabidSphinx]: they are just really annoying? maybe you should make a rule against empty houses and that if you "clone" a house, put SOMETHING in it!...i just find it annoying...there needs to be something done...this site has quite a few members, but only about a 1/3 of them are actual members

2004-11-30 [Whim]: well, some of them might just participate in wikis as anonymous members or whatever...but I doubt they are that. The fact is, it's hard to justify punishing people who are just simply "annoying."

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